Expand description

Utilities for reading and writing Java properties files

The specification is taken from https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html. Where the documentation is ambiguous or incomplete, behavior is based on the behavior of java.util.Properties.


use java_properties::PropertiesIter;
use java_properties::PropertiesWriter;
use java_properties::read;
use java_properties::write;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env::temp_dir;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::io::prelude::*;

let mut file_name = temp_dir();

// Writing simple
let mut src_map1 = HashMap::new();
src_map1.insert("a".to_string(), "b".to_string());
let mut f = File::create(&file_name)?;
write(BufWriter::new(f), &src_map1)?;

// Writing advanced
let mut src_map2 = HashMap::new();
src_map2.insert("a".to_string(), "b".to_string());
let mut f = File::create(&file_name)?;
let mut writer = PropertiesWriter::new(BufWriter::new(f));
for (k, v) in &src_map2 {
  writer.write(&k, &v)?;

// Reading simple
let mut f2 = File::open(&file_name)?;
let dst_map1 = read(BufReader::new(f2))?;
assert_eq!(src_map1, dst_map1);

// Reading advanced
let mut f = File::open(&file_name)?;
let mut dst_map2 = HashMap::new();
PropertiesIter::new(BufReader::new(f)).read_into(|k, v| {
  dst_map2.insert(k, v);
assert_eq!(src_map2, dst_map2);


A line read from a properties file.

The error type for reading and writing properties files.

Parses a properties file and iterates over its contents.

Writes to a properties file.


Parsed content of the line.

A line ending style allowed in a Java properties file.


Reads a properties file into a hash map.

Writes a hash map to a properties file.